Life isn’t a fairy tale and the story moves on, and when you left I cried for three days straight and then I went out and kissed the first boy I saw. Okay, that was a lie. I actually went out and ate chocolate lava cake, and then I watched two romcoms in a row with the lights out and a box of tissues by my bed.
But today, for the first time in a long time, I woke up without your name on my lips. And I got up and got dressed, and I didn’t think of you, and everybody says it takes time but I didn’t really believe them until now. The words it gets better has very little meaning when it can’t possibly get worse. And so, instead of writing shitty poetry about your eyes or metaphors with your smile, I looked in the mirror and said,get over yourself, and went for a run.
But here I am again, writing about you. Sometimes I think that’s all I ever write about. But today I woke up without your name on my lips, and that was something, at least. And I still remember the first time we met and I still remember the first time we kissed, but I can no longer see the precise shade of your eyes or capture the sound of your laugh.
I don’t know if that’s better or worse. All I know now is that time, like all things, keeps moving forward, whether you want it to or not.